
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bath time fun

Wow, that water is amazing.
(He's starting to get a lot of hair in the back. Can you see his little rat tail? It reminds me of my kindergarten days. Hope that style never comes back!)

You talking to me?

These are the cropped versions of the pictures I took last night. We have some cute little bottom versions too but I didn't want to get flagged by blogger.
We officially have a cruiser. He can walk along the couch, coffee table, kitchen name it. He also has a keen ability to know when the fridge is opened . He can be playing with his toys in the family room but if you open the fridge that little bottom is up in the air and he is beelining it for the veggie drawer. It's crazy. He likes to help me clean up the kitchen too...I put the dishes in the dishwasher and he promptly takes them out. Helpful, huh?
This has to be the busiest but most fun stage we've had yet. He's started mimicking us doing some things like nodding our heads back and forth. We're also working on waving. He has a fake cough that he uses to get our attention and today he used it on a little girl in Target. It worked! So now I guess everywhere we go he'll be coughing at people. Ha!
Mike has been shut up in the guest room for the last two days. His eyes are very sensitive to light and today they've been hurting quite a bit. He has some numbing drops that work for a few minutes so he can come downstairs to eat with us but then he has to go right back upstairs in the dark. Last night he was up a lot even with taking Valium. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lot better. If I ever get eye surgery I'm definitely going with Lasik. PRK is the pits!
That's all from CO. We're enjoying this beautiful day before winter hits us tomorrow.

1 comment:

Papa said...

Tell the little naked guy to get some cover.

Also tell Lt to hang in there. If it is anything like some of my surgeries, it will get better and be worth it.

See yo soon, Sorry Mike No pun intended,


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